World Cup Memories

A wonderful football festival has ended. I never thought it was so cool. A few years ago, when it became known that the World Cup in 2018 will be held with us, I did not understand this hype. And now I understand.

It is not necessary to understand football in order to enjoy the Championship. For me, it began in England, in the village of Tintagel in Cornwall. In the pub, in the hotel where we stayed, TVs with football hung everywhere, and there the Russian team played. We sat down skeptically to watch, and ... I suddenly felt delight and pride in the fact that ours won! Then there was Egypt. And victory again!

Then I returned to Moscow and also decided to go to Nikolskaya, about which everyone spoke so appetizingly ...

And then ours defeated Spain. And then the fun began!

This is great when you can be proud of the success of your country. Our team did this, they tried very hard and now have received a well-deserved honor.

This is great when people on the streets are united by a common idea.

When we walked around the center on the day of the finale, it seemed that everyone around us was only interested in one question: Who will become the world champion? France or Croatia? All these screens on the streets, screams from cafes, people with telephones from which a live broadcast is heard. Crossing from screen to screen, you can approach any passerby.

- What is the score?

- So far, one zero ...

- Well, fine ...

Emotions are growing, the city is buzzing with excitement. Every blow, every dangerous moment can be recognized by the reactions of people around. In a bookstore we are discussing with the seller that the French have only a little time to hold out.

And then - the final whistle. And the victory.

And the cries of "Russia, Russia!" in the cafe.

And the buzzing cars.

Goodbye - a small video. Mounted it on the impressions of the walk :)

Watch the video: World Cup Memories, Lingard Boxing & Pickford on a Unicorn! England 2018 Flashbacks (May 2024).

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