20 amazing historical photos almost as rare as unicorns

The fact remains that people have always beckoned and will beckon all the mysterious, and what could be more mysterious than our future or past. But if we still cannot get into the future, then there will be no problems with sending to the past. We present to you a selection of rare historical shots that reflect entire eras and reveal the secrets of how the world of the past was. It turns out that there is a lot of surprising things!

German heater advertisement in 1960

A street vendor in Vienna (Austria) hung with his washcloth (1904)

In London in 1932, firefighters with fire extinguishers and hoses traveled on motorcycles.

In England in 1919, during the epidemic of the Spanish flu, they used similar masks.

In Germany, during hyperinflation, a man glues wall with devalued money (1923)

So the training of the English cavalry took place in 1935

The tallest man in the world is Robert Wadlow, whose growth reached 2.72 meters. The picture was taken a year before his death (1939)

Lumberjacks in the USA are photographed with a huge sequoia (1915)

Such acoustic locators were used by American soldiers to track enemy aircraft during the First World War.

In Egypt, archaeologists discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922

Workers on the famous Mount Rushmore in the USA (1939)

Members of the anti-Hitler coalition photographed the interior of Hitler's bunker in 1945

The streets of New York were similarly washed in 1906.

Photo of 1920, in which Vladimir Lenin speaks from the rostrum in Moscow

This is how the construction of the Hindenburg airship in 1932 looked like

It's 1933 in the yard, and the creators of double-decker buses try to prove their safety

Amazing even for our time, the elevator garage in Chicago in 1936

A curious way to teach children to swim (1930)

A similar picture could be seen at the Moscow ram factory in 1967

The moment the plate was installed at the railway station in the village of Llanfairpullgvingillogerogverndrobullantilisilogogogokh in Wales

Watch the video: 10 Extinct Animals That Will Be Resurrected Soon (September 2024).

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