20 photos that can expand your horizons in an instant

It is amazing how far science has advanced in our time: we have access to the microworld and outer space, we study the depths of the oceans and the most remote places on our planet. In other words, we live in a world of technology and new opportunities, and therefore are surrounded by a continuous stream of incoming information. Nevertheless, there is still so much interesting in the world! Today we have compiled for you a selection of interesting photographs that can surprise even the most advanced scholar.

A geyser that will throw a boiling stream of water in a second.

Our tongue is under the microscope.

Eggs of squid.

Bundles of chips are inflated in stores at an altitude of 2,270 meters above sea level.


Pregnant squirrel.

Monarch Butterfly, which is already ready to leave its cocoon.

Would you like to hold the foot of a Japanese gigantic salamander?

Sundials that show time in different countries of the world.

Frog roe.

In South Korea, a hydraulic system that collects rainwater, which is then used to clean the streets, is popular.

A real unicorn that existed over 29,000 years ago. This extinct animal is called Elasmotherium.

Have you seen mollusk eyes?

Photo from West Virginia (USA), whose author discovered blue crayfish in the mountains.

The perfect iceberg for the perfectionist.

The remains of this mummy are of the order of 3 thousand years, but, it turns out, already in those days people were made prostheses. In this case, the thumb prosthesis.

$ 2 Triangular coin from the Cook Islands.

Wood Opals.

A fragment of the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969. His age is about 4.6 billion years.

These ladybugs are always white or light gray.

Watch the video: Horizon Zero Dawn - MOST AMAZING PICTURES Picked by GUERRILLA Photo Mode Competition Week 1 & 2 (May 2024).

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