"Organic" house, which merged with nature and became invisible to passers-by

The house, which you will see in the following pictures, was designed and built by Javier Senosiain - an architect from Mexico, whose calling card is the so-called "organic architecture". Nature is the main muse in the work of the Mexican. And his main goal, he sees minimal interference in the perfection of the environment and the complete merger of his works with natural landscapes.

Greens is the keynote of this project. Bushes, trees and grass play a paramount role in home improvement. They protect against temperature changes inside, keep pleasant coolness and clean air in the heat in the internal areas of the building.

A walk through the garden literally means relaxing on the roof of the house, because the whole structure is covered with lush greenery. The inner space is inspired by the shape of the peanut shell.

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