16 cool hiking trails, after which you will immediately want to go hiking

Campaigns seem a bit outdated entertainment, terribly popular during the Soviet period, when young people went on tour trips and lived for several days in tents in nature. But in reality it all depends on the route: just imagine a quiet walk in the mountains, along the ocean or, perhaps, even through the jungle. Fresh air, from which dizzy, evening crackling of a fire and another halt in a new place. But the question always remains: where exactly to go camping? About the best places of our planet for tracking and non-banal travels in our material.

Spain: the path of St. James through northern Spain, popular with pilgrims.

USA: The Appalachian Trail is the longest hiking trail that stretches for 3,500 kilometers from Georgia to Maine.

Japan: in the footsteps of the great poet Matsuo Basho, who passed from Tokyo to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan in 1689.

Morocco: climb to Mount Tubkal, the highest peak in North Africa.

Russia: ascent to Mount Belukha in Altai, the highest mountain peak in Siberia.

China: A section of the Jinshanling Great Wall of China, one of its most intact parts. Not a very popular route compared to others, but no less picturesque.

Bhutan: The Tergo La Trek route, one of the most unpopular in Asia, but one of the most beautiful. The trail leads from a height of 3,500 meters to 4,135 meters overlooking the Himalayas.

Armenia: 11-day trekking through the Geghama Mountains, the Aragats mountain range, passing through the ancient monasteries of Sanahin and Haghpat.

Austria and Germany: the Lechweg Trail, which runs along the river of the same name, past crystal clear lakes, medieval castles and through the Tyroler Lech Nature Park.

Uganda: a hike through the Bwindi Forest, where you can see the last remaining mountain gorillas in the world.

Italy: Percorsi Occitani trails are some of the oldest routes (and untouched, which is important!) Through the Cote Alps.

Turkey: Lycian trail stretching over 500 kilometers. It is laid from Fethiye to Antalya near the coast, past the ancient cities.

Laos: a hike through the Cloud Forest, where you can see the last wild tigers of Indochina.

Russia: trek through the Caucasus Mountains to the Black Sea.

Peru: Well, of course, where without the Inca Trail that goes through the Andean forests.

Australia: Cape to Cape Track, which runs along the ocean with the most beautiful views of the mainland.

Watch the video: AT#16 MORE HIKER TYPES Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike 2018 (September 2024).

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