9 life hacks, what is the best way to rent a car

Often, when traveling abroad, we are faced with the need to rent a car. TravelAsk has collected 9 indispensable life hacks to help you rent the best car at the lowest price.

Use your credit card to cover insurance.

Remember that most credit cards today cover car rental insurance. Read what is written in small print to know exactly what will be covered and what will not.

Take the car that the agent needs to be handed over as soon as possible

Talk with a rental agent and find out if he has cars that he would like to rent urgently. Such an offer will undoubtedly be the most profitable for your wallet.

Book the cheapest car and pick it up at rush hour

This may sound illogical, but by booking a car on Monday morning or Friday (or the evening of any working day), you increase your chances of the best deal. Since at this time most of the inexpensive cars will most likely be already handed over, you can rent a car of a higher class, but at a price that suits you.

Use other rental prices when agreeing.

As a rule, when naming the price of another agency during negotiations, you have very good chances to agree at least about the same price, and sometimes even about an order of magnitude lower cost. Some agents will be ready to give you a discount without even checking the accuracy of the amounts you have indicated.

Rent at the airport to get the newest car

Often, it is the airports that boast the most relevant fleet of cars.

Find the agency with the most cars

The car rental agency wants to get rid of as many cars as possible, regardless of their cost, and agents are always ready to sit at the negotiating table. If you have not booked a car, but you have a few free minutes, look for a car company with the largest fleet and arrange with them.

If all else fails, ask to renew your application.

If the car class is not important for you, renew the application for a cheaper car rental. The goal of the rental agent is to force the client to pay more than the amount of his initial reservation. Always find out if it is possible to update the application.

Rent for a long term

If the rental company does not charge for an early return, it is sometimes much more profitable to rent for a longer time. Thus, you can get a decent discount.

Ask about the grace period before leaving

Most agencies have a grace period (often up to two hours), which you just need to know in advance. So you get more time at no extra cost.

Watch the video: Life Hack How to get a free Rental Car (September 2024).

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