Masdar City: the green city of the future being built in the desert

Amid global environmental problems and the desire to reduce greenhouse gas production, more and more ambitious architectural projects appear in the world. And if initially it was original ecology, today engineers are already designing entire cities. The new concept of the urbanized area implies not only the quality and comfort of the environment, but also environmental concern, which is achieved through the use of innovative materials and technologies. The city of Masdar City, which has already begun to be built in the United Arab Emirates, claims to be the first eco-city of the planet, where the most modern solutions in the field of urban planning will be implemented.

They plan to build Masdar City near Abu Dhabi, the country's modern capital. The project was initiated by local authorities, but the British company Foster + Partners was engaged in the design. The concept of Masdar City implies zero carbon emissions into the atmosphere, which will be achieved mainly through the use of solar energy, which is more than enough in a hot desert. Especially for the implementation of the city project, an original pyramid-shaped solar power station called Lunar Cubit will be built.

The city is designed for a maximum of 50 thousand inhabitants. It will house companies engaged in environmental production and the development of high technology. It is planned that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, located in the United States, will oversee the work of the Masdar Scientific Institute, which will be created in a new city. Traditional fuel vehicles will be banned in Masdar City, and a special system of automatic transport from thousands of taxis created by the Dutch company will be engaged in transporting people. In addition, the city will operate a system for the deep processing of waste.

Another specificity of the new eco-city is a protective wall that prevents the penetration of hot desert air. Such a construction will create a comfortable microclimate inside the city and reduce the cost of air conditioning, and, accordingly, the energy consumption.

The project began in 2006, and construction is currently ongoing.

Watch the video: Masdar: The City of the Future. Fully Charged (May 2024).

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