10 amazing places on our planet that people haven’t reached

No matter how humanity has expanded its possessions, on Earth, fortunately, there are still places left to which civilization has not reached. Despite the fact that people have been here, these lands remain uninhabited and subject only to nature. We found as many as 10 such amazing places!

Forest Lake

His exact whereabouts are unknown. Presumably, the lake is located in the Nizhnevartovsk district of the Tyumen region, Russia.

Tapui, Venezuela

The word "tepui" in the language of the Pemon Indians inhabiting the area of ​​Gran Sabana means "house of the gods."

Honokohau Waterfall, Maui

Wildlife immersed in beautiful greenery.

Amazon rainforest

They are located in nine countries: Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana.

Gangkhar Puensum

The highest of the unconquered peaks of the world. The mountain is located in the disputed territory between Bhutan and China and reaches a height of 7570 meters.

Zingi de Bemaraha, stone forest in Madagascar

These natural bridges, spiers and gorges with a depth of 120 m were formed over millions of years under the influence of monsoon rains.

Kerguelen Archipelago

Located in the south of the Indian Ocean. Airplanes do not fly here, and can only be reached by ship from Reunion Island near Madagascar.

Rock Islands, Palau

Despite the fact that the islands are uninhabited, archaeologists studying the territory claim that once there lived a "tiny people" - islanders exposed to the so-called "island dwarfism".

Dallol, Ethiopia

Today, salt is mined here, so you can’t call the places deserted. Researchers believe that the landscapes of this place are very similar to those that can be observed on the satellite of Jupiter Io.

Palmyra Atoll

Located in the equatorial zone of the Pacific Ocean. According to legend, the island has magical powers.

Watch the video: 11 Places on Earth No Human Has Ever Set Foot on (May 2024).

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