Sansingdui, Nabta Playa and other mysterious civilizations of which little is known

What do we know about ancient societies? Basically, speaking about the past, we recall several large civilizations and their characteristic features.

For example, in ancient Egypt there were pyramids, the ancient Romans had aqueducts, the bloodthirsty Vikings had long ships. But to think that history consists only of powerful empires is wrong. It is much more diverse and richer.

There are still many gaps in historical science related to the study of extinct ancient societies, of which we know very little. History in this case can be represented as a book in which several pages are missing. Pages of important, able to surprise us and show humanity from different angles.

Mayan civilization

One of the oldest. However, due to the fact that she was in the jungle of South America, little information has been preserved about her. Some evidence was destroyed by nature itself.

We know that representatives of this culture created an impressive calendar, architectural wonders, but it remains a mystery to us how exactly they disappeared. The empire collapsed 1,000 years ago, leaving behind a ghost town.

Some modern researchers believe that the climate is to blame. A team of scientists from Cambridge investigated the water that got into the minerals found in Lake Chichankanab, and concluded that Maya killed the drought.

Nabta Playa

Civilization, to which the ancient astronomers of the Nubian desert related. It existed over 11,000 years ago. And it was the first civilization to leave behind evidence of astronomical research. Nabta Playa has created countless stone structures to track the movement of stars. Perhaps their scientific knowledge formed the basis of the knowledge of other ancient civilizations, which continued their study. The people of Nabta Playa lived in harsh desert conditions.

This helps to understand why information about them has not reached us. Historians suggest that representatives of this culture became the ancestors of those civilizations that later arose in the Nile Valley.


Although it would seem that the history of China is well documented, there are nevertheless some gaps. These include a story related to the Sansingdui culture. Researchers suggest that it was a powerful empire in ancient China, which left behind a small amount of material evidence and was wiped off the face of the earth about 3,000 years ago.

The mysterious country of Punt

An almost mythical civilization, known to the ancient Egyptians, mentioned in folklore and mythology. Egyptian records speak of many trade expeditions, but to this day, no archaeologist has been able to find out where the country was located.

Punt apparently was rich in treasures and resources that could well compete with the Egyptian ones, but there is little evidence that they traded and fought with anyone else besides Egypt. Some historians suggest that Punt traded with Arabia and was located in the Horn of Africa. Disputes about his location are ongoing.

Others point to the coast of the Red Sea: the territory of modern Somalia and Eritrea.

Even in ancient Egypt, Punt in the minds of the Egyptians themselves turned into a land of legends. So he migrated to Greco-Roman mythology.

Civilization of the peoples of the sea

Egyptian reflection of the invasion of the peoples of the sea

The peoples of the sea are among the most warlike in history. They were a group of naval invaders who kept the Mediterranean region at bay for nearly a century from 1276 to 1178 BC.

Historians suggest that these were the migrating peoples of the Mediterranean: Achaeans, Philistines, Phrygians, Sherdans. That is, the ancient pre-Indo-European population of Europe.

Watch the video: Prehistoric predynastic Egypt, the oldest time in Egyptian history (May 2024).

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