Posters used in the USSR to attract foreign tourists

Contrary to what we consider the Soviet Union, especially during the time of Stalin, to be a closed country, where foreigners were very reluctantly allowed, and even then only from friendly countries, the preserved Intourist advertising posters of the 1930s indicate quite the opposite. A huge number of beautiful brochures, compiled in the main European languages ​​and promising guests literally "paradise on earth", prove that they tried to lure rich tourists in the USSR by any means, because, in the end, currency was simply necessary for fulfilling five-year plans.

In addition, to accommodate foreign guests in 1931, the All-Union Hotel Company was established, which was subsequently merged with Intourist. In different cities under the jurisdiction of this HLW were hotels, restaurants and vehicles.

On its colorful posters, Intourist invites foreigners to the most beautiful and interesting corners of the USSR. Here you can see advertisements of Georgia, Armenia, Central Asia, Magnitogorsk, Baku, Leningrad, Moscow and other places. Soviet artists tried to portray the socialist country as beautifully as possible. Smiling girls, full of fruit baskets, endless forests and sea open spaces, high mountains and picturesque serpentines - all this really makes an impression of a paradise place I would really like to visit.

Watch the video: Lenin Statue and USSR Posters in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Dec 2015 (May 2024).

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